a) I got the zip file from tel2096@proximity.senecac.on.ca
b) got the .mozconfig from the dps909 thursday class
c) ran the build successfully (45mins or so later)
d) Time to start the incremental build; i made a change to a file (nsHttpBasicAuth.cpp). ; did a make on a parallel directory as instructed by the lab directions
creating the patch file from using the$ cvs diff -u8p . > patch.txt
and heres a print screen of the output patch file I got.

highlighted in light blue is the changes that i put in as per the labs instructions.
e) Well time to add someone elses patch to it and see what happens. I was able to get vincent lams patch and use it to try and apply his patch. well no problems here as well.
f) Well i did do the revert patch to see if it would work; and it worked fine. Did not have any problems there
g)NOW THIS IS WHERE I HAD PROBLEMS! Trying to apply a real patch!! from Mike Shaver
Again I followed instructions to the T. But I ran into this problem; heres a print screen of what I ran into

You need to apply it from within the xpcom/ directory. :) Take a look at the different file paths listed in the patch, and see if you can figure out how you'd go about determining that in the future.
Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.
Very nice and intrestingss story.
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